From the ashes rising up like a Phoenix..........worked on our new (well its a song waiting on the launchpad for over a year now but we didn't have the perfect drummer to start the countdown and now getting closer to liftoff!) song called Phoenix. Came out of a jam we did and Gilday put together a masterpiece that we have contributed to for quite some time now. We've actually road tested it a couple times at shows but it was never the full version of what it is now. Today was an exciting and inspiring rehearsal. Kevin our singer is out of town for........oh wait yep you guessed it. Another wedding! I think this is like the millionth time he has gone to something wedding related since I first met him in the spring of 2005. A side note to his friends.........congrats. Kevin is just too popular. Singers.......Psssshhhhhhhhhhhttttttttt. Nuff said. So back to us. Yes yes so today was awesome. Alex killed it on And The Colors Ran so it looks like that could well possibly be in the set again! Great job Alex. So yeah we did some killer work on Phoenix. Can't wait for Gilday to get in his lab downstairs and post today's songs so I can get lost in Andyland listening to them. Oh I guess that might mean that we could play And The Colors Ran at El Cid on Monday October 12th as well. Hmmmmmmmm. That would be dope. Okay off to see other people play music for a while. I got cabin fever......need to get outside....be social......must try to talk to strangers.........psssshhhhhhhhttttt.
Much love.