When you have big dreams and high aspirations you have to let go of everything and go for broke. Don't worry about losing it all when tomorrow you could be the richest person in the world. And I don't mean money. Thats a only a part of it. If you think only money can make your dreams come true then you've already lost the battle. Its everything that makes it happen. From the shows, to the recordings, all the online promoting, the networking, the playing your guitar till late in the night, to the several nights a week rehearsals, the song writing, the listening to music for inspiration and learning, the lessons, the caring, the heart, the love of, the drive, the appreciation, the gratitude, the desire, the friendships, the bond, that never say die attitude, the hope, the faith, the belief, and of course the blood, sweat and tears..........if you want something bad enough then go after it. Don't give up. Dreams do come true.
This has been sunday thoughts. Hope you enjoyed them.