Hi Novistas. Yep you are a Novista. If you have seen us play, read our blog, listened to our music, looked at our photos, become our friend on Facebook, whatever the connection is, if we have connected in some way then YOU are a Novista. Connecting in this universe happens on so many levels. Too many to mention but I just told you of a few. Music is such a beautiful way to connect and we as a band are so very grateful of our connection. We are very open to that growing as well. This past thursday night we played the Viper Room and our Costa Nova family connection opened further. We had some very special friends on stage with us to compliment our songs. Adam Gertler who you all might know from his show "Will Work For Food" on the food network or maybe his amazing cooking skills is also our part time harmonica player. He has guested with us many a times and it is always so great when he does.
Our second wonderful new edition to our family is Drea Lewark. She joined us on stage for two songs (Closing Time and Yearn To Burn) to add her magical angelic vocals to our sound. The vocal and stage chemistry between her and Kevin was awesome. It felt like angels tore open the roof of the Viper Room and the heavens put a spotlight on those two that night. I'm so grateful for their talents and doing such a beautiful job.
I also appreciate all the hard work Alex and Gilday have been doing in our rhythym section. Gilday had to get 5 stitches on his middle finger the other day and was such a trooper to play through it all. We all know how much Gilday likes to give the middle finger and all but its more important for his playing of course. We all have so much love for this band and its a strong connection we all can't deny. Which brings me to the Broken Towers At Midnight.
November is our month to hide away for a bit to get all these new songs we have off the runway and into the air. We might still be doing a show ,we always remain open but next time you see us you might hear a lot of new sounds that you have never connected with. We hope you do cause we sure do.
In any case its a blessing to connect with any and all of you in any way we do. Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend like we did and well wishes to my Costa Nova family who are going to connect with U2 tonight at the Rose Bowl!! I am going to connect with music and the Yankees in the Bronx!!
Ciao Novistas.
Andy Novista