Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Worthless blabber and other such assorted non-sense from the waif-like guitarist.

Its still wartime. We have not left that ya know? Sorry but its a bad economy too. What the heck is happening to America? And who the fuck uses the word heck? Bad economy inspired us to write the song "Brother Can You Spare A Dime". I think thats the title we have settled on. Or short version of title when we write setlists is "Hey Brother". Just come out to see us play and you'll be able to judge for yourselves. All in all everything is changing. Its like our lives just turned into fall trees with the leaves turning colors. Sorry if you west coasters didn't get the reference but I grew up on the east coast. I think all of you are smart enough to figure it out tho. Thats why I like you. Cause you're smart!

I miss playing Venice Rocks. Such a great scene where we met a lot of great people. I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses it.

 Our friend Ryan Crosby played with us recently and he was amazing as usual. Love to watch him loop on the DL4. Sorry getting technical. He's so talented and we would love to watch him rise to great success.

Also we have this new song "Incidental Tourist" which we are very proud of. Its pretty upbeat and rocking. "Kingpin" is another new one too. I always end up having the chorus to that one stuck in my head after rehearsal.

I'm listening to this band called Woolen who we saw at one of the awesome Hobby Shop nights in Highland Park. Its this awesome studio owned by a really cool producer named Andrew Murdock. For a reasonable fee of a donation you get to hang out, listen to a DJ, have good quality local beer, and watch some amazing musicians play live. Its really cool.

World Cup was fun. So happy Spain won. First time ever. Awesome.
Oh Kevin's new adjective is awesomeish. Just saying. Thats what a quality college education gets you. Amazing new word combos.

Headphones are an amazing invention to listen to music with. Serious man.

What does it take to write a hit song? Wow now I'm really blabbering. Wait no......maybe someone has the answer eh?
Okay well it was nice of you to listen to my blabbering. I'm gonna go fade into dreamland now. Maybe I'll see you there.
Sweet Dreams Novistas.
Adios, Andy

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