Ever wonder where songs come from? I mean seriously. Its a pretty amazing gift to be creative. I thank God everyday. So....if they sound good to me is that all that matters? How come they don't make sense to everyone else? I think its hard enough for people to get me as a person so how the heck are they gonna understand whats in my head that I am pouring out into music? Its tough. And even if they do understand what it is coming out of my mind why would they think its right? Sometimes I feel like I am an alien and I was accidentally left here by the spaceship I was on and nobody even myself realizes any of this ,so it all goes unnoticed just like my music. It takes a lot to grab people's attention in todays world. People have so much access to anything in a split second that you really have to get in their face about it. Well at least be unique in some way. At the end of the day I feel like I'm at a place where I am making music that I like to hear so I think thats a good step. Now back to working on my craft. Song craft not space craft......haha.
Andy Novista