A little break and then into the next phase. On wednesday of next week we will start another chapter in the book of our Costa Nova lives. With each of us having different obligations to fufill ,we have not been able to play as a full band for a lil while now. Our playing with different combos of us within the fabulous four tho is a growth. Being able to play in different perspectives before next week is helpful so when we are back together it'll feel like being born again. We are born again a lot in this band and I think thats a good thing. Its also been a time of inspiration lately musically. From seeing Radiohead the other night at the Hollywood Bowl to listening to Tibetan Meditation to the new Verve cd, theres ideas a brewing. Plus the positive feedback from our recent show at Franky's Boutique during Sunset Junction just keeps you floating. Who doesn't like feeling like they're floating right? Its blissful. So as our regrouping and rebirth starts to happen, I'll just let you know the next time the skies sound like they are blazing with sound. It just might happen to be Costa Nova.