Friday, April 4, 2008
Rolling Stones gather no moss......
Lately days just seem to be flying by. Mostly because we are so busy. It doesn't seem like there is enough time in a day to do everything I want. Especially with music. All I want is for Costa Nova to be our full time gig. No day job to pay the bills.No more worrying about someone else's store to run for them. I do put my heart and care into what I at work but its not any where near the same with how much I care about our music. Even with all the hard work we put into this band, it just never seems like enough because we are clawing and scratching to make this happen. Every little bit counts. Lately we have been playing shows to a really good response and those are the moments that really remind you that its all worth it. That all your hard work is paying off. Having faith in what we do is a huge part of just believing in our music. If we didn't believe it why would anyone else? I feel very blessed and that we are doing something very special. I just want the opportunity to share all these great feelings with the rest of the world,share our music, our love of music and all that goes with it. If you listen to our music and it makes sense to you the way it does to us, then thats bliss right there for me. Thanks to everyone who has been to one of our shows, listened to our music on the internet, and shown any interest in our band. Its about all of us and its for all of us.