Okay so have you ever felt like you were at a certain place in your life waiting for your whole life to change? Well I have that feeling right now and it feels like I am living in the womb. Ya know sometimes its nice and warm and fuzzy in here and sometimes its kinda gross.Either way I feel protected inside my faith in this whole dream.You always hear bands say when they look back on it the struggle was some of the funnest times they had in the whole thing. Part of why they say that is cause its true but also part of why its so easy for them to say it is because they are not in that moment anymore.There is a certain pressure released once they have made it. Some bands take on a new kind of pressure which gives them perseverance and others don't.You can usually tell which is which by the music they are writing.I do enjoy this struggle we are going thru.Its kind of like when the baby grows in the womb.You learn things, you grow as a person and a musician,you laugh,you cry,you meet cool people,you travel, basically overall you are living life.Your life.I know I can look back on all that we have done and are doing with a lot of pride in how hard we are working towards our dreams. AND I can't wait to make our dreams come true. Hard work and perseverance is easy when its doing something you love.I mean there is still blood,sweat and tears but thats all part of the beauty now isn't it?
You can sleep well in the womb too.............Andy