So okay we are back home in Los Angeles and it took a day or so to adjust. You get so used to being in a van,sleeping on people's floors,using gas station bathrooms about every 2 hours,taking naps whenever you can, eating as healthy as you can and whenever you can, etc.....but most of all and the beautiful thing is.....you get used to playing shows all the time and that is your main focus more than anything. Music. Its amazing and its truly beautiful and I wish we were leaving again this week. Now that we re home its back to rehearsing,playing locally,writing new songs ( which is great cause I love the direction and ideas we are going in and touching on), and planning our next step in the Novista Revolution. The last show of the tour at Mojito's in San Francisco was awesome. Great crowd,old friends,new friends,cool place and we played very well that night. We even felt so great about it we improved a song on the spot and just jammed it out for a few minutes. We thank you Mojito's,friends,and everyone else there that night to give us such a great experience our last night of our tour. Please come see us live if you get the chance we just continue to grow and get even stronger live and I would love to share our music with everyone possible. Okay well enough for now still tired from it all. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Ando Calrissian