Greetings Novistas,
We know LA can be a complicated city in the areas of love and leisure. Sometimes you agree to weekend plans unaware that yet to be announced life changing concerts are in the works. We totally understand that when you made plans for this upcoming Friday Night you didn't know that Costa Nova, Paper Zoo, the Red Paintings AND Ironheel were all going to be playing a FREE show at Key Club on the legendary Sunset Strip. If you had known about this amazing night of music you certainly would have cleared your schedule of any potential entertainment related conflicts.
It's clear that you didn't know that an epic night of face melting rock was being planned at Key Club when you went ahead and made other plans...pale in comparison kind of plans...and now you're in a pickle...
Never fear. Costa Nova feels your pain and in honor of Valentine's Day we have written up a 'Dear John' letter for you to give your Soon to be Ex-Friday Night Plans to let them down easy and clear your path to a Friday Night for the record books. Simply cut and paste this letter and send it to your Old Friday Night Plans:
Dear Friday Night Plans,
I don't know where to start...by the time you read this letter I'll will have confirmed new arrangements for my Friday Night Entertainment. You've been amazing and you were there for me on so many Fridays, even if I called you up at the last minute, but...there's some new plans in my life and I can't deny them for a second longer.
I really want you to know that it's not you...it's me. You've done everything I could ever ask of you but...I might only have one shot at an epic evening like this and god damn it, I have to take it. I'm sure this will be hard for you to understand but if it was just Costa Nova or just Ironheel or even just 3 out of the 4 bands I wouldn't have left you....But 4 hours of unbelievable music on a Friday Night for FREE!?!(or if you're 18+ substitute '$5' for 'FREE') How can I resist!?!
This doesn't have to mean it's over for us. Maybe we can get together next Friday or some other Friday in the future. What we had was great kid and we gave it our all. We'll always have the memories. When I'm rocking out having the time of my life this Friday Night at Key Club I'm sure for a few moments, when there's a lull between bands and I'm waiting for the bartender to get me my drink I'll remember the good ole times we had together and maybe just maybe a single tear will slip out. I'll miss you Old Friday Night Plans.
{Your Name Here}
Send out this letter and we promise all your problems will be solved.
Just so you don't forget:
Fri Feb 19
Key Club
9039 W Sunset Blvd,
West Hollywood, CA, 90069
Costa Nova @ 9:00
Paper Zoo @ 10:00
Ironheel @ 11:00
The Red Paintings @ 12:00
For more info Click Here:
Also come see us tonight, Monday Feb 15th at Les Deux 'Rock Monday'
We go on at 10pm.
Hugs n Kisses,
-Costa Nova