It is Feb 2009 and Costa Nova is blazing. You cannot and will not be able to stop us! Sit back ,listen, and enjoy. 2009 is our year and you will all see this happen. We have found the bond, the courage, the determination, the bravery, the love, and the vision. All our blood ,sweat and tears is coming into fruition. We have jumped off the cliff with no parachute and have total faith more then ever before. This is like those moments you see in a movie where the hero is bloodied, battered and beaten down, down on a knee and about to take their last blow to their death and they dig down way deep inside and find that light in their soul that ignites the smallest spark of energy that explodes like a rage of fire and unleash all their passion for life ,more powerful than any punch they've ever thrown to take down that giant evil demon whose been trying to keep them down this whole time. Its a blow to the demon that says eat shit motherfucker this is MY life!! Costa Nova has heart and soul. If you can't hear that in our music then you ain't listening. I know this for a fact cause I feel it flowing through me everytime we play. Its a gift from God to me and I am grateful for it everyday. This is our calling and you'd better believe we are here to stay!